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Quote from Beverly in RAD!

Erica: It's just a karaoke place where people sing. It's no big deal.
Beverly: Oh, it's the biggest deal. And you know Mama Bear's gonna be right there in the front row cheering you on.
Erica: Or you stay as far away as possible.
Beverly: Or we get onstage together and sing a Streisand duet guaranteed to wow the crowd.
Erica: Or you stay home with your lame mom music, and I go onstage solo and sing an actual crowd-pleaser - like "Jessie's Girl."
Beverly: Or... [sings] You know I wish that I hugged Bevy's girl Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah
Erica: How do you know that song?
Beverly: Where can I find a schmoopie like that?

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