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Quote from Beverly in The Fake-Up

Adam: Would you stop? You're my mom. You'll always be in my life.
Beverly: Really? And I'll live with you in a room just off the master suite?
Adam: Please, you got to give me some space. Because if you keep squeezing this hard, you really will lose me.
Beverly: Okay. I can make some concessions. You and Brea can go on a date without your mom tagging along, if that's what you think is normal.
Adam: It is.
Beverly: But no more basement business.
Adam: Don't worry. That room has been ruined for me forever.
Beverly: And once a week, Brea should come to dinner, not because I'm wedging in, but because I really like her.
Adam: I really like her, too. And if we're just saying stuff... You're not so terrible, either.
Beverly: I am your number-one girl!

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