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Quote from Adam in Island Time

Adam: So, I've been thinking. After high school, I won't go straight to L.A., I'll bum around Europe a bit. You know, not all who wander are lost.
Beverly: I love everything about this new hobo plan for your future.
Adam: Well, I don't wanna be late for school. Although, who cares? I'm not trying to go to college, right? [laughs]
Beverly: You slay me, Schmoo. [laughs] Have a great day not trying. [Adam exits] Oh [bleep] everything!
Pops: So, what's new?
Beverly: What's new is that I need a real college counselor, one with balls.
Pops: Oh, y‐you mean someone who can put the fear of God into Adam?
Beverly: Better. Someone I can put the fear of God in to put the fear of God into Adam.

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