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Quote from Adam in Game Night

Brea: What's the problem?
Adam: The problem is you're Brea Bee.
Brea: [chuckles] Adam, don't be ridiculous. I'm just like everyone else.
Adam: You're the most popular girl in school.
Brea: That was just a unanimous vote in the yearbook. It means nothing.
Adam: Even your dismissal of the high-school social order is refreshing.
Brea: Come on. We have a lab to do.
Adam: Of course. How about I just do it all and we'll share the credit? Good?
Brea: Not good.
Adam: You take all the credit and I'll do summer school.
Brea: No way, man. We're doing this together. Look, Adam, trust me, once you get to know me, you're gonna like me.
Adam: Challenge accepted.

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