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Quote from Erica in Animal House

Erica: Listen, Barry, you're so much better without those guys.
Barry: No, I'm not. One of the reasons why I love Animal House was the idea that you could go from being a loser one minute to having 50 best friends the next.
Erica: You don't need a fraternity to do that.
Barry: Well, it hasn't happened in this dorm or anywhere else at this college. Maybe Rick is right... I'm not good enough.
Erica: Don't you get it? You already belong to an amazing fraternity, with true friends who love you.
Barry: Who?
Erica: The JTP. And they're struggling as much as you are.
Barry: I was such a jerk to them...
Erica: Such a jerk. But the great thing about that is, a brother always forgives.

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