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Quote from Barry in Push It

Barry: Now, how does one make friends?
Joanne: I guess you could make a list of the things you like and find people who share those interests.
Barry: Like the Asian battle arts.
Joanne: As a very early starting point that you ultimately realize was a misstep, sure.
Barry: [sighs] Damn it. That would never work. My natural instincts would kick in, and I would destroy any potential bestie with my elbows and feet.
Joanne: Here's an idea. Don't hurt anyone.
Barry: Or maybe this unnamed stranger would respect me more because, despite all we share, I wasn't afraid to pummel him to the edge of death.
Joanne: I don't feel like I'm helping.
Barry: And yet, you have. Here I go, off to brutalize my new best friends!

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