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Quote from Bill Lewis in Push It

Virginia Kremp: The gnomes were creepy!
Bill Lewis: They're the small but jaunty guardians of my azaleas. You have no whimsy, Virginia Kremp! [Virginia gasps]
Barry: Look at this give and take, JTP. It's okay to feel jealous. Let it all out.
Andy: Let out our confusion?
Matt: I'm jealous of anyone who understands what's going on.
Bill Lewis: No whimsy! [Virginia gasps] [walks off]
Barry: Bill, no! We come and go as one!
Virginia Kremp: I've stood by when people have called me pinched, dull, and forgettable. But "no whimsy"? That is a bridge too far! [walks off]
Barry: You too, Ginzy? You're the glue!

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