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Quote from Beverly in Flowers for Barry

Pop-Pop: If you don't want to hurt his feelings, just lie to the guy.
Erica: She's done enough lying.
Pop-Pop: Exactly. So would one more hurt?
Beverly: Ben, share your wisdom.
Pop-Pop: I once dated a girl in the Army. I told her my heart couldn't take it if she was called to war, so I had no choice but to end it.
Beverly: That is brilliant.
Pop-Pop: But in this case, it backfired. She wasn't in the U.S. Army. She was in the Salvation Army.
Erica: Great advice, Pop-Pop.
Pop-Pop: Anyway, we got married, we had Murray and some other kid, and 10 years later, she left me.
Beverly: Thank you, Ben. I know just what I need to do.

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