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Quote from Beverly in Flowers for Barry

Beverly: My faith is very important to me. So, since we have different religions, different cultures... we have to end it. I'm sorry.
Mr. Perott: Beverly, I'm a member of the tribe, too. Shalom!
Beverly: Hebrew-what-now?
Mr. Perott: I observe all the high holy days. I go to temple regularly. I play racquetball with my cantor.
Beverly: Right. Which is what I don't do.
Mr. Perott: What?
Beverly: See, it's very important for me to celebrate my faith in a very low-grade, noncommittal-type way.
Mr. Perott: Hold on a second.
Beverly: I come from a long line of extremely breezy, unserious people.
Mr. Perott: Okay. You obviously don't want to date me, but you're afraid to just say it. [Beverly sighs] Huh?
Beverly: Fine. I don't think this is gonna work out. I'm sorry, Joe.
Mr. Perott: [sighs] Me, too. I'll see you around, Bev.

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