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Quote from Geoff in A Flyer's Path to Victory

Erica: You know what? I think you faked these pictures, and I think you don't have the energy to take care of our child.
Lou Schwartz: I can't believe you'd accuse us of such a thing.
Geoff: Okay, Dad, do a single jumping jack.
Lou Schwartz: Excuse me?
Geoff: Prove to us that you have the energy. Just do one jumping jack.
Lou Schwartz: Easy-peasy.
Linda Schwartz: Do it, hon. Just blast out a double J and show these fools!
[Lou raises one arm cautiously, then swings the other up before grabbing his back and wobbling about]
Lou Schwartz: Fine! We faked it! This "go get 'em" lifestyle is unsustainable!
Linda Schwartz: I'm sorry. We just love our granddaughter and want to spend more time with her.
Erica: Sure, sure. We'll see.
Linda Schwartz: That means no.
Lou Schwartz: We lost, Linda.
Geoff: I'll see you two out.
Lou Schwartz: Yeah, you're gonna have to because we need help getting into the car.

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