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Quote from Beverly in A Flyer's Path to Victory

Adult Adam: [v.o.] While the Schwartzes weren't above using trick photography, my mom was about to sink to a new low.
Beverly: Hello there, Mr. Flyers General Manager.
General Manager: How did you get in here?
Beverly: Oh. Just one of my many charming attributes. I'm Beverly Goldberg, matriarch of the first family of Jenkintown and part owner of the Ottoman Empire furniture store.
General Manager: Oh, yeah. I'm about to get my money back from a bedroom set I bought there.
Vic: The hell you will.
Beverly: Mr. General Manager, what is the one thing we know for sure about Flyers fans?
General Manager: Win or lose, they set things on fire?
Beverly: Exactly. They're an understanding bunch. So if they knew that a local mom-and-pop shop was in trouble and that one teensy-weensy loss from the Flyers would solve all their problems... heck, don't you think those fans would root for you to lose?
General Manager: Are you crazy? Our fans want us to win, no matter what.

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