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Quote from Beverly in A Flyer's Path to Victory

Adult Adam: [v.o.] No, the Flyers weren't always victorious, but when they lost, well, there was a perfectly good reason for it.
Barry: Wait a second. [picks up a lone yellow M&M] How the hell did this get in there?
Beverly: Wait, wh... How did that get in there? [grunts] It's so weird.
Barry: Don't worry, Mama. We're gonna win this, and when we do, it's gonna be the best thing that's ever happened to me... and therefore you.
Beverly: Oh, for sure. Your happiness is absolutely my only priority.
[cut to:]
Beverly: Vic, we're gonna make the Flyers lose.
Vic: Oh, good. I was waiting for you to come up with a practical solution.

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