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Quote from Erica in The Better Annie

Carmen: [hushed] I am so, so sorry if you're still hurt by something you think I did all those years ago.
Erica: [hushed] Something I think you did?
Carmen: Okay, but I have no recollection of what you're describing, and I would love to just move on and be friends.
Erica: There's no way you don't remember.
Adam: [hushed] The important thing to note is that she's apologizing. Let's not get lost in the blurry specifics.
Erica: I don't accept her empty apology.
Adam: She's speaking in a psychotic whisper, but I think I heard the words, "I accept her apology".
Erica: You did not.
Carmen: Maybe this was a bad time. I don't want to disturb the baby, who is beautiful. By the way, she looks just like you.
Erica: Why, because she's bald?

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