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Quote from Erica in The Better Annie

Carmen: It's fine. Maybe it's time to remind you why you didn't get that part then... or now.
Erica: Great.
Carmen: It is great.
Erica: The greatest.
Carmen: Maybe something even greater than that.
Erica: What could be greater than the greatest?
Carmen: I'm glad you asked. It's me.
Erica: Damn it, that was good.
Carmen: Good enough that you don't want to do this anymore?
Erica: Oh, no. In two days, we'll see how good you really are on that stage outside of Smyrna, Delaware. And it specifically says, don't park at the church across the street, so don't.
Carmen: I won't.
Erica: Well, you're not getting my spot. Because besides the part of Annie, I'm getting that, too.

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