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Quote from Barry in The Better Annie

Adam: Pop-Pop, this is great... I mean, not being hateful to a stranger... but now you can finally move out of our basement.
Barry: Yes! We can use the hot tub again.
Adam: And now I can play Mario Bros. without a stream of derogatory comments about Italian plumbers. "Gelato lover" isn't the slam you think it is.
Barry: Italian ice cream in hot water. Ginzy, make that happen for me... I'm gonna go get my trunks.
Virginia Kremp: Wait. What?
Adam: Well, Bar in a bathing suit... that's my cue.
Pop-Pop: Pbht.
Beverly: Aw, we're gonna miss you, Ben. But I'm not gonna miss having my washing machine held hostage by your Velcro shoes.
Virginia Kremp: Best of all, now I can get my morning paper without hearing "Hey, Robe Lady, I took your sports page".
Pop-Pop: It's a happy day for everybody.
Barry: Couldn't find a bathing suit, so I'm dippin' in the buff. Hot tub, here I come. [Virginia gasps] Oh, no, my robe!

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