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Quote from Beverly in The Crush

Adult Adam: [v.o.] It was March 1st, 1980-something, and my mom was returning from another fulfilling day as the Quaker Warden at William Penn Academy.
Beverly: Home from school. We have any Capri Sun?
Erica: You know where it is. Now, tell me all the news of the outside world, 'cause I've been cooped up in here with the little one.
Beverly: Erica, Joe said the funniest thing today. [chuckles]
Erica: Joe... as in Mr. Perott, the school's guidance counselor?
Beverly: Joe is so funny. Now, you wouldn't know this just by looking at Joe, but... [chuckling] Today, in the teachers' lounge... [laughs] I dropped my Del Monte yogurt on the floor. And then Joe comes by and says, "Finally, some culture in this place." Get it? [chuckles] 'Cause yogurt has cultures of bacteria. Oh, he's so funny, that Joe!
Erica: You seem to be saying "Joe" a lot.
Beverly: We're colleagues. I say people's names. Stop being weird.
Erica: It's fine. Let me make you a snacky, and you can tell me all about your little crush.
Beverly: Ew, um... [scoffs] The only crush I have is on my children. Joe and I are just friends.

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