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Quote from Barry in The Crush

Adam: What did Joanne say?
Barry: Joanne?
Adam: When you guys picked out the place together?
Barry: I didn't discuss it with her. Was that a mistake?
Adam: Eh, ignore my question. Keep dancing. Nothing can derail this happy moment.
Barry: Oh, no! I never even considered her.
Adam: Well, don't tell her that.
Barry: Then what should I tell her? I know. I'll tell her I went to sleep under a tree, and an apartment was built around me. It's the perfect crime.
Adam: That's a winner, for sure. But how about starting with the truth? But a gentle truth, that ends with a scenario where you still move out.
Barry: Or... I cancel my lease with Calabasas and tell her nothing.
Adam: That's a terrible plan. But I'll keep packing, just in case.

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