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Quote from Erica in Two-Timing Goldbergs

Lainey: You guys seem so happy together.
Erica: No one can know the heart of another, right? Which is why I don't know yours... so use your words. Any hanky-panky going on?
Lainey: Hanky-panky?
Erica: If I were cheating on Geoff, you'd be the first person I told. No detail would be spared. So spill it.
Lainey: I mean, actually...
Erica: Yes?
Lainey: [sighs] I was waiting for the right moment to tell you Steve and I broke up recently, so there's no one to cheat on. It's been really lonely.
Erica: Has it?
Lainey: Yes. And I'm still upset, too. But I'm really worried about you right now. So let me just get us some tea and let's dig in. Just know I care about you, okay?
Erica: Well, I care about you, too. Almost as much as I want to cheat on Geoff! [chuckles]

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