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Quote from Beverly in Moms Need Other Moms

Erica: Oh, good, you're home. Look, I know you said no, but the guys at Boo Boo Busters did an amazing job making this a safe environment.
Adult Adam: [v.o.] In that moment, my mom could either go nuclear or take Geoff's advice to go with the flow.
Beverly: Agreed. I love it. Please thank Lauren for me.
Erica: For real? I'm just surprised because it felt like you guys did not hit it off.
Beverly: Well, she really seems to know what she's talking about.
Erica: She's a total pro. Maybe she could even help pry you out of the baby Stone Age. [bell tolls]
Beverly: Maybe.
Erica: I'm gonna get the baby ready for her music class at Lauren's. [tongue clicks] Ta! [exits]
Mr. Glascott: You're going to that baby music class, aren't you?
Beverly: It's time I showed her little mama pal who knows more about parenting.

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