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Quote from Beverly in Moms Need Other Moms

Ms. Lizzy: Let's not forget the number one rule we laid out in the beginning of class...
All: ♪ If we say it, we can sing it ♪
Beverly: Say what now?
Lauren: ♪ You must sing everything ♪ ♪ Use your mouth ♪
Beverly: ♪ Fine, then, I will sing my thoughts ♪
Erica: ♪ I'd prefer if you did not ♪
Lauren: ♪ It's okay ♪ ♪ Let's hear what backwards nonsense ♪ ♪ She has to say ♪
Beverly: ♪ The only backwards thing here is you ♪ ♪ And also Ms. Lizzy's attitude... ♪ [speaks] towards deodorant.

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