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Quote from Erica in Amadoofus

Beverly: Exactly how many movies have you s een without me, Geoff?
Geoff: You know, uh, close to none.
Barry: Drama.
Adam: I'm on the edge of my floor!
Beverly: Shh! This is the best part.
Erica: How... many?
Geoff: The normal amount.
Erica: Give me the number, husband.
Beverly: She's so powerful in this.
Adam: The tension is too much.
Barry: It's like watching the sequel to Who Ate My Cream Cheese?
Geoff: All of them, okay? I've seen all the movies! Sometimes twice!
Barry: Yes!
Adam: Predictable, but satisfying.
Erica: They're flawed characters, but you root for 'em!
[Erica dumps popcorn over Geoff]

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