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Quote from Beverly in Amadoofus

Mr. Perott: More wine?
Beverly: I love how creatively in sync we are.
Mr. Perott: You know, I always thought we, uh, had our own sort of connection.
Beverly: You know, I didn't think this place was gonna work with the small table, the poor lighting, and the roaming violinist, but we are getting so much work done.
Mr. Perott: We make a good team. [chuckles] One could even say, we make a good couple.
Beverly: [chuckles] Well, that's a funny place to rest your hand. [chuckles] Were you reaching for the rolls and got tired?
Mr. Perott: No. No, I wasn't.
Adult Adam: [v.o.] In that moment, my mom finally put the pieces together.
Beverly: My tummy just got hot.
Adult Adam: The romantic bistro. The tender music. The flirty banter.
Mr. Perott: [flashback:] We'll have the "lovers' special." [echoing] Lovers' special. Lovers' special. [present:] Beverly, you are gorgeous.
Beverly: [gasps softly] Oh, no! I am gorgeous!
Mr. Perott: Beverly, are you okay?
Beverly: Joe, are we... on a date?
Mr. Perott: You didn't know?

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