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Quote from Erica in Amadoofus

Adult Adam: [v.o.] So, with one last desperate attempt, Barry hid my mom's sweaters, then packed her pants, ditched her dresses, and stashed her shoes. Just when he thought he'd won, Erica had once again beat him to the punch.
Barry: Aw, man!
Beverly: Are you sure this is okay? I feel silly in your dress. It's so... plain.
Erica: Faculty advisors always dress up for outside-the-school meetings. It's in the school charter.
Beverly: Quakers... they're so peaceful and weird. Barry, Erica told me you took all my clothes to the cleaners. Ah, such a good boy.
Erica: Yeah, such a good boy. [chuckles] [softly] But I'm the better boy.

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