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Quote from Adam in Amadoofus

Adam: You're more than flawed. You're petty and mean!
Dave Kim: Oh, you're one to talk!
Adam: Casting me as your jealous rival?
Dave Kim: Refusing to admit I can write, too?
Adam: Making Brea your "wife"? I know what that's about!
Dave Kim: Don't be ridiculous! Unless, of course, some long-repressed feelings are emerging.
Brea: I really have to stop coming back home.
Geoff: What scene is this?
Adam: Now I know I definitely don't want to live with you next year.
Dave Kim: Live together? I don't even want to be your friend!
Adam: Fine by me! [storms off]
Geoff: Could I borrow that script? [throws script to Geoff]

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