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Quote from Barry in Amadoofus

Mr. Glascott: [on the phone] They're worms and minnows, Gerald. They can survive for one night without you. [dial tone] Cousin Gerald's out.
Barry: Oh, damn it! We're running out of time!
Mr. Glascott: You know, now that my kin is out of the picture, I'm rethinking this.
Barry: Then there's no other choice. You must seduce my mother away from him.
Mr. Glascott: No, thank you!
Barry: Take off that sweater vest and let me comb out your mustache. We gotta raise your appeal, man.
Mr. Glascott: No! Get off of me! And why am I conspiring with my friend's son?
Barry: Because we both want the same thing... for my mother to grow old alone.
Mr. Glascott: No! And Mr. Perott's a good guy. He keeps his cubby clean in the lounge at school, and he's the only person I've ever met that actually likes your mom's sweaters.
Barry: Well, if it's her sweaters he likes, it's her sweaters he'll never see.
Mr. Glascott: Exactly. [chuckles] Wait. What nonsense!
Barry: She can't go on a date if she has nothing to wear. This relationship will be over before it's even started.

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