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Quote from Beverly in Amadoofus

Barry: Unhand her!
Erica: No, hand her!
Barry: I told you, she's not ready for this! I don't want to see her get hurt!
Erica: And I don't want to see her alone!
Barry: She's not alone. She has us.
Erica: She needs way more than us.
Beverly: Enough! Stop fighting about your mother's romantic inclinations!
Barry: Oh, no! Don't say it that way. Gross.
Beverly: Kids, sit down. [both sigh] The fact is, I am not ready to start dating. In fact, until this moment, I hadn't even thought about it.
Barry: Good.
Beverly: But now that we are talking about it, I guess I will be ready someday. Okay?
Barry: Okay.
Beverly: And when I am, everything's gonna be fine because I have the most wonderful Schmoos looking after me.
Barry: You got that right.
Erica: We really are pretty great.

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