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Quote from Barry in Blade Runner: The Musical

Barry: Ha-ha! Your husband ruined your dumb lady group.
Erica: Did you make yourself a campfire treat?
Barry: The microwave makes the marshmallows crazy sticky, much like the situation you find yourself in.
Erica: I know. It's a mom group, and he's not a mom. Figure it out, my guy.
Barry: Blech! 12 s'mores is one too many.
Erica: But I just don't have the heart to tell him that no one wants him here. Maybe you can?
Barry: Well, I'd happily break his heart into a million pieces, but you asked me, so now I don't wanna.
Erica: Come on. Just take him to hang with the JTP.
Barry: Well, it is Andy Cogan's birthday.
Erica: Yes, do that.

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