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Quote from Adam in Worst Grinch Ever

Adult Adam: [v.o.] Yep, Barry's feelings for Brea's new beau were not what I expected.
Barry: I love Kirk.
Adam: Whatever. He's just a rebound. He's not even Brea's type.
Barry: Adam, look at me. He's everybody's type.
Joanne: Sorry, bud, but maybe you should give him a chance. He's coming with Brea to the JTP's holiday party.
Adam: You mean the thing I'm definitely not going to now?
Barry: Then you'll be missing out on a lot of funny Kirk stories. One time, he jumped so high, he almost touched a branch. He tells it better.
Adam: [scoffs] You guys have fun. I'll be home, imagining the worst.
Joanne: Adam, you don't have to go to the party alone. Why don't you invite that girl from the diner?
Adam: Carmen. Of course. She's as pretty as Kirk is. And once Brea sees her, we'll both be miserable! [laughs] It's a perfect plan.

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