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Quote from Adam in Worst Grinch Ever

Adam: Carmen, I don't deserve it, but can I please try to make up for tonight?
Carmen: It's fine. Clearly, you have unfinished stuff with your ex.
Adam: No, I don't. Not anymore. And I swear to you, I am a good guy.
Carmen: The thing is, good guys don't have to say that. They just are.
Adam: Fair enough. Thank you for your time. [turns away]
Carmen: So you're just gonna give up? I'm not worth fighting for?
Adam: Okay. Well, here it goes. Carmen, I've had an incredibly difficult year with a million different setbacks, but seeing you every day at the diner is the one thing I look forward to, and I really don't want to lose that.
Carmen: Then don't.
Adam: Oh, whoa. You seem receptive.
Carmen: Little bit. Guess what we're standing under?
Adam: So the good guy gets the girl?
Carmen: We'll see.

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