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Quote from Mr. Glascott in DKNY

Mr. Glascott: Hello, neighbor. Where are you headed this All Hallows' Eve? Perhaps to go trick-or-treating with your becostumed amigos? You should know that you are still teensy enough to get candy without judgment.
Adam: And you should know I'm uncomfortable with you assessing my body.
Mr. Glascott: I hear that more than I should.
Adam: And I'm not going out. I don't have a social life anymore since all my friends went off to college.
Mr. Glascott: Oh, goodness! My burble and chatter has opened up some deep wounds.
Adam: It's fine. I'm just gonna hang here and eat this entire bowl of Mounds.
Mr. Glascott: Holy coconut delights! Mounds are a delicious treat, but only in moderation. You must really be hurting and lonely.

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