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Quote from Beverly in DKNY

Geoff: You know what? I'm just gonna remove your monitor.
Beverly: Go ahead. I have many backups.
Geoff: Where?
Beverly: Nowhere. Everywhere. [chuckles] Just know Big Blonde is always watching.
Geoff: And you just know that that's my daughter and I would like to burp her now.
Beverly: Ooh. I already started. And I would hand her over to you, but I'm doing it perfectly. [Muriel burps] Oh! That is the sweet smell of success, and the milk of your lady who was fortified by the milk of me.
Geoff: Legacy milk. I get it.
Beverly: Maybe you can see her after her nap. Unless I get there first, which I will, because, as we've established, I am a force to be reckoned with.

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