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Quote from Beverly in That's a Schwartz Man

Adult Adam: [v.o.] As Geoff and Erica had a decision to make, my mom knew exactly what she wanted to say to me.
Beverly: [without turning around] Home already, schmoo?
Adam: We wrapped early. The director threw a tantrum about his smoothie and wouldn't come out of his trailer. That's Holly weird.
[When Beverly turns around, she is wearing a sweater with "Liar" bedazzled on the front]
Adam: Oh, balls! Your sweater would suggest that you know I'm not actually working with David Hasselhoff.
Beverly: Do you have any idea how heartbreaking it was for me to bedazzle this sweater, Adam?
Adam: No, but it seems like there might have been an easier way to call me out.
Pop-Pop: She's been ironing with her back to the door for an hour.
Barry: What's going on? [notices Beverly's sweaters] Oh. This should be good.
Beverly: I went to see Mr. Hasselhoff to deliver a "thank you parm" for hiring Adam, but he made the whole thing up. My schmoo is a this! A big fat this!

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