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Quote from Barry in I Lost on Jeopardy

Barry: Leave it dark. No one on the blue team can ever see me consorting with the enemy.
Matt: Okey-dokey.
Barry: I've summoned you here today to seek your wisdom.
Matt: Oh. Seriously?
Barry: Look, I know I give you a lot of guff and always call you "Unbearable Matt Bradley," 'cause that's just me being a good leader. But truth is, you're the smartest, kindest, most thoughtful guy I know.
Matt: [chuckles] Stop, bro. You know how I get with this stuff.
Barry: I mean it! If anything, I say mean things to you 'cause [voice breaking] I love you, Matt Bradley.
Matt: Dude, don't.
Barry: I love how smart you are. How caring and [sniffles] wonderful you are.
Matt: Oh. This is too much.
Barry: I love your hair and your confidence and how you wear sandals and don't care who sees your little toes.
Matt: I mean, they're just feet, you know? Everyone's got 'em.

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