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Quote from Erica in I Lost on Jeopardy

Erica: Don't worry. "Tic-Tac-Dough" is just my safety show. My dream is to get accepted into "Jeopardy!"
Murray: That's what this is about game shows?
Erica: Mom reminded me of the smart, confident girl I used to be, which is why I'm applying to all the top game shows in the country.
Murray: Game shows?!
Erica: Sadly, I got wait-listed for "Win, Lose or Draw," but "Wheel of Fortune" has rolling admissions.
Murray: Game shows.
Beverly: I'm sorry, this is your plan?
Erica: Well, I'm weighing my options. I know it'll be cheaper if I go to "Finders Keepers," which shoots in Philly. But I always envisioned myself going out of state.
Murray: Game shows, Bevy! Game shows!
Erica: At the very least, I can go to "Let's Make a Deal." Anyone with a costume can get in there. Although, their program won't really challenge me like "Jeopardy!" Wish me luck. Mwah!

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