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Quote from Erica in Fiddler

Erica: [singing] It's for your bottom, but it's the tops Find happiness in just a glop From Dr. Steinman to every shop The one butt grease that never stops
Beverly: Wow. That is shockingly good.
Geoff: It's already stuck in my head and driving me nuts. You're a genius.
Erica: And that's not all! [singing] Pour it cold or drink it warm It's like seafood in liquid form It's Barnaby's, the juice of the sea
Beverly: Wow. You really worked hard on these.
Geoff: Okay, there's gonna be lines out the door to drink that salty fish juice.
Erica: And this next one is dedicated to you.
Beverly: Oh, that's not necessary.
Erica: No, it is. You talked to Marci and made all this happen for me. You have changed, and I love you.
Beverly: Just focus on the song.
Erica: [singing] You gotta remember, 'nog ain't just for December You can 'nog all summer afternoon.

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