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Quote from Mr. Glascott in One Exquisite Evening with Madonna

Beverly: Oh, this is terrible. If what the vent suggests is true, Erica's marriage is in shambles.
Mr. Glascott: [gasps] Mother father! She's destined to become a spite-filled spinster.
Beverly: We have to do something.
Mr. Glascott: We? This goes beyond neighborly duties.
Beverly: You're the key to this whole thing. If I go up there, they're gonna kick me out, but you're a counselor.
Mr. Glascott: A guidance counselor, not a marriage counselor.
Beverly: You can do anything. You got Alan Friedbaum into SUNY Purchase.
Mr. Glascott: I did do that somehow. And he's not your standardized-test taker. And his tardiness? Whoo!
Beverly: Exactly. Now please help me get my baby into the University of Love.
Mr. Glascott: The U of L? That's a reach for all of us. But I guess it is just talking and listening.
Beverly: Yes, two things you're doing too much of right now. Go.

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