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Quote from Barry in The Dynamic Duo

Barry: And action... is my favorite movie genre. Which reminds me, I saw you watching that old Batman TV show. Pops was right. Adam West is better than Keaton.
Adam: Pops doesn't know the first thing about Batman. He doesn't even say it right. He says "Batm'n."
Barry: But you told Pops you love his show. It kind of sounds like you lied to his face.
Adam: I had to. It's just It's so corny!
Barry: Say it louder.
Adam: I mean, it made no sense at all. They had a bat-calendar.
Barry: Move more into the light.
Adam: And bat shark repellent? Why would a superhero even have that on his utility belt?
Barry: Why?! So you don't just reject Pops' Batman. You reject Pops as a human old person?
Adam: Nah, I'm just humoring him. All that old-timey stuff he likes, it's just not for me.
Barry: And cut.
Adam: Why would you say that?
Barry: No reason. I always like our talks. Go away now.

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