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Quote from Beverly in Grand Theft Scooter

Charlotte: I'm Charlotte. I was a friend of your dad's. Well, a girlfriend really.
Beverly: Ah, yes. Yeah, he had a lot of those. Um, but don't worry, I'm sure you were the special one.
Charlotte: Oh, Adam?
Adam: [quietly] Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Beverly: Adam, do you know this woman?
Charlotte: Does he know me? We came in second in the condo talent competition with our soaring rendition of the "Banana Boat Song."
Beverly: What... the actual... hell. [Adam chuckles] How many times have you met this woman I've never even heard of?
Charlotte: All four times he visited Albert down here.
Beverly: Adam [bleep] Goldberg.
Adam: The "F" is actually for Frederick, but you know that.

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