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Quote from Barry in Grand Theft Scooter

Erica: Anyway, the mall is holding a ceremony to honor me as Food Court Hero of the Year, so you guys should all come.
Geoff: She's getting free strombolis for life and something called the "Golden Tray."
Barry: Okay, you did fine punching that old geezer in the gut, but I'm the real doctor here. I crushed the MCAT.
Erica: Being a doctor isn't about filling in test bubbles.
Naked Rob: Bar, maybe you can be one of those doctors that runs the hospital. You know, a little less hands on.
Erica: Yeah, one of those admin types who's always worried about the budget, and denies healthcare to kids because of insurance issues.
Barry: That's it. One way or another, I'll reclaim my medical dominance. And you'll all be begging me to exam your moles and bodies.

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