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Quote from Adam in The Steve Weekend

Adam: Guys! We wanted to remind you that weddings are about coming together, joining forces, and being better for it. Erica and Geoff are making a commitment to spend the rest of their lives together. Why can't you celebrate that?
Beverly: I have been.
Adam: At the exclusion of the Schwartzes! He went too far with the video, but this all started with that wedding announcement.
Lou Schwartz: That was very hurtful.
Beverly: I know. I'm sorry. It's just you're this accomplished eye doctor, and I'm just the mother of the bride. [sighs] I wanted to feel important, too.
Lou Schwartz: Beverly, you're incredibly important. You raised a wonderful daughter that we're beyond delighted to welcome into our family.
Adam: And two great sons.
Lou Schwartz: If you say so.

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