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Quote from Barry in A Peck of Familial Love

Barry: Geoffrey! I need love advice.
Geoff: Well, you're dating my sister, so I can only go so far, but my main tip is something I call the across-the-room wink.
Barry: No, not to woo Joanne, who I attend to effortlessly. I'm talking about Erica.
Geoff: Oh. And, oh?
Joanne: There's my fella. What's the deal?
Barry: Thank God! A reasonable person. Erica and I need what you two have. We need to reconnect. Tonight.
Geoff: But it's Valentine's Day. I've been planning something for Erica for months, so maybe it can wait?
Joanne: Nonsense! Barry's gonna take your expensive and non-refundable date. Yay!
Geoff: Yay?
Barry: Thank you, Geoff. But also, you're welcome. I've given you the gift of being able to give a gift to me. [chuckles] Bet it feels pretty good.
Geoff: Really doesn't.

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