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Quote from Adam in The Kissing Bandits

Brea: You really don't quit, do you?
Adam: Not when it comes to you. Please just hear me out. No tricks this time, just the truth.
Brea: [sighs] Adam, there's nothing to say.
Adam: There is. Brea, I swear on my life, I didn't even know I kissed that girl until I saw it on video. It meant nothing, and I should have told you as soon as I found out. The fact that I didn't is one of the great regrets of my life.
Brea: I get it. We both made mistakes. You weren't wrong about that. It's just... The thing is I don't know... I don't know if I want to keep doing this.
Adam: Doing what?
Brea: This thing where I'm nervous all the time about what next year's gonna be like.
Adam: I'm sure it's gonna be hard at times, but we'll make it work.
Brea: Really? I mean, we couldn't even survive two weekends away. What... What's a full year gonna be like? What's four years gonna be like? Okay. I'll be the one to say it.
Adam: Whatever it is, please don't.
Brea: We need to break up.
Adam: I just said not to say it.
Brea: Just don't make this any harder than it already is, okay? Goodbye, Adam.

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