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Quote from Adam in The Kissing Bandits

Brea: Adam waited a week to tell me, and only because of something he kept calling "even-stevens."
Adam: It's a common expression.
Allison: You waited a week? That's not cool.
Brea: I know, right?
Allison: Like, why would you wait? Did the kiss mean more to you than it did to me?
Adam: Oh, oh!
Brea: I thought the same thing.
Adam: No! And you're kind of losing the thread, Allison.
Brea: Well, this has been fun. Maybe next time you can bring that weird Princess Leia doll you keep by your bedside.
Adam: She's boxed for posterity. There's nothing going on there. [Brea slams the door] Ooh! My jacket is caught in the door.
Allison: Bye.

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