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Quote from Adam in Globetrotters

Barry: What am I looking at?
Adam: Oh, I'm just chilling in my Flyers shirt, eating Boo Berry, watching Jean-Claude Van Damme. You know, classic me stuff.
Barry: That is not classic you, it's classic me.
Adam: Too bad you didn't call it. I mean, you gave me a specific list, and none of this stuff was on it.
Barry: Everyone knows I own spooky cereal, Flyers gear, and JC Van D. It goes without saying. Turn off that movie right now.
Adam: Ooh, I would if it were a Chuck Norris flick, but JC Van D wasn't on your list, so now he's on mine.
Barry: You take off my shirt and step away from the Boo Berry, I mean it.
Adam: Should I step away from the cereal like this?
Barry: Don't you dare moonwalk away from that cereal. I own that move that Michael Jackson made up!
Adam: But you didn't call it, and I did!

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