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Quote from Barry in Globetrotters

Adam: Honestly, the tape was only meant to be shared with my bros on the basketball team.
Barry: Those bros are my bros, not yours. From this point forward, I forbade you from liking anything I like.
Adam: Yeah, you can't do that.
Barry: Oh, I can. Starting now, stay away from the following Barry Goldberg trademark hobbies and interests: Globetrotters, karate, Bo staff, Air Jordans, competitive kiting, extreme BMXing, hot showers, conga lines, and diving into an icy river with a knife in your mouth. I own that move. I also claim Skittles and soda.
Adam: You can't claim an entire genre of beverage. That's madness!
Barry: And it's mine! I also own roller skating, eating chili, half and full nelsons, Chuck Norris, and boobs.
Adam: No! That's too far. You can't claim boobs. Everyone likes boobs.
Barry: Have fun sticking to your dumb hobbies like robots and glasses.
Adam: Glasses aren't a hobby. They're a corrective accessory to combat my wandering eyeball.
Barry: Exactly! You stay in your lame nerdy world, and I'll stay in my awesome one.

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