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Quote from Adam in Tennis People

Brea: Oh, this seems normal.
Adam: I know we both got into our dream schools and long distance will 100% work for us, but also, everyone hearts New York. They make shirts about it.
Brea: Sure, New York is fine.
Adam: Fine? [scoffs] The metropolis that gave us hip-hop and the Waldorf salad is fine? Wow, you must be lightheaded from hunger. Here, it's from the Katz's Deli, an NYC landmark.
Brea: [eats] Mm.
Adam: And?
Brea: It's a good sandwich, Adam.
Adam: And in New York, you can eat one of those every day, knowing that if your heart gives up the fight, you can be rushed to your choice of over private hospitals.
Brea: [scoffs] Are you trying to sell me on New York?
Adam: [scoffs] I would never. But is it working?

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