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Quote from Adam in Tennis People

Principal Ball: Trouble in paradise, Mr. Goldberg?
Adam: Alpha males keep asking out my hot girlfriend.
Principal Ball: Mm.
Adam: Tends to rattle a man.
Principal Ball: That's because they smell blood in the water. [dramatic music plays]
Adam: What do you mean?
Principal Ball: Sharks have an incredibly keen sense of smell. Even a drop of sea lion blood as far away as a mile...
Adam: I've seen all the Jawses! [music stops] I meant, how does it apply to my situation here on land?
Principal Ball: Let's face it... No one understood how you nabbed Brea Bee in the first place. And now everyone knows you're going to different colleges... [dramatic music plays] ...there's a feeding frenzy.
Adam: Oh, no. [music stops] And also, you're way more tangled up in students' romantic lives than most principals.
Principal Ball: It's the only part of this job that gets me out of bed. [music resumes]

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