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Quote from Mr. Glascott in An Itch Like No Other

Beverly: So... [chuckles] How are things?
Mr. Glascott: Well, things are fine... Oh, how dare you? Trying to lure me in with a classic conversation starter.
Beverly: About the barbecue...
Mr. Glascott: Stop. If you're feeling guilty, don't. I don't need your friendship. [chuckles] I'm aces, baby!
Feather Locklear: [squawks] I'm so lonely. [squawks] I'm so lonely.
Mr. Glascott: But my bird, on the other hand... Relax, girl. You'll find someone.
Beverly: It's clear the bird is just repeating something you said.
Mr. Glascott: Parrots don't do that.
Beverly: Of course they do. It's called "parroting."
Feather Locklear: [squawks] I'm so lonely.
Mr. Glascott: Nap time. [pulls cover over birdcage] [sighs] She just loves to [bleep] with me.

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