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Quote from Adam in Couple Off

Adult Adam: [v.o.] On the heels of my first shift at the local creamery, I was ready to relate to my working-stiff friends.
Adam: Mind if I sit? My dogs are barking. Long shift at the ol' factory. You know, like a character in a Bruce Springsteen song.
Brian: Don't you just put gummy bears on soft serve?
Adam: Sometimes. But payday can't come soon enough, amirite? [chuckles] Management's the worst, amirite? [chuckles] Minimum wage is a maximum bummer, amirite?
Adult Adam: [v.o.] Turns out my blue collar was not a good color on me.
Adam: I don't get it. First you said we couldn't relate because I didn't have a job, but now I have one and that's still not right.
Brea: That's because you're acting like working is just some big joke. Where'd you even get that mechanic's shirt?
Adam: This is from when I portrayed Louis DiMucci in Grease 2. The school paper called my performance "vaguely offensive."
Brea: See what I mean? Working to you is putting on a costume and pretending to be someone you're not. I need my paycheck. You clearly don't.

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