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Quote from Barry in Love Triangle

Nancy Glass: Do you two know each other?
Barry: That's my supposed best friend, who's dating my sister. [audience murmurs
Geoff: And that's the no-longer-my-best-friend who's pretending to date my sister.
Joanne Schwartz: Fake or not, you should support us.
Erica: Hey. I'm the girlfriend of the brother's best friend, and I'm starting to think that my boyfriend, who I adore, asked the wrong person to the show. [audience murmurs]
Geoff: Wait. What?
Nancy Glass: I want to focus on this, because you're all clearly hurting right now. [to guests] And also, ghosts aren't real. I'm sorry. They're just not. Names?
Geoff: Uh, Geoff.
Erica: Erica.
Barry: Barry.
Joanne Schwartz: Desdemona Von Jorgerson.

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